Apollon Theatre (Patras)

For the theatre, see the Apollo Theatre

The Apollon Theatre (Greek: θέατρο "Απόλλων Theatro Apollon) is a theatre located in Patras east of Georgiou I Square, one of Patras' popular squares. It was first completed in 1872 and was planned by the famous German architect Ernst Ziller. It is a micrograph of the La Scala in Milan and is other oldest in the survived closed theatre of the recent years and the sensational architectural ornament of Patras. The Apollon Theatre is the main stage of the Patras Municipal and Regional Theatre since 1988.



The Apollon Theatre was founded on February 11, 1871 and finished and opened on October 10, 1872. The work was paid from the civil community of Patras. The main erection committee constituted from: Theodor Hamburger (president), S. Hancock, M. Gerousis, Dimitrios Patrinos, K. Lappas and A. Chrysanthis. The list with its users were up to around 100 people. Between them includes the then mayor of Patras Georgios Roufos, Gustavos Clauss, Hamburger, Langouras, the Triantis Brothers, Panagiotis Brothers, father of Dimitrios Gounaris, Epameinondas Maximos, father of Dimitrios Maximos, etc. The Apollon Theatre is presently one of only three theatres with neoclassical architecture that survives in Greece (the other two are the Malliaropouleio Theatre in Tripoli in which opened in 1910 and the Apollo Theatre in Syros in which it first opened in 1864). Today, the Apollon Theatre of Patras raises tactically the representation from the Patras Municipal and Regional Theatre. The theatre can hold up to around 220 to 300 people.

See also



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